BurningAngel: Getting to Know Effie


Burning Angel recently posted another one of their ‘Getting to know’ introductory interviews with sexy new girl Effie. I love toughie schoolgirls with pigtails! She seems like a lot of fun. Plus, she’s ‘craftsy’ and she’s just my type. I also hear that BA may still be running their 2-for-1 sale on their signature parody and feature DVD’s in the store section of their website, so if you’ve been thinking of picking up a disk or two from them, just put coupon code CODE “SMUT” in at the checkout stage and see if you get the prize.

BurningAngel: Getting to Know Effie
Burning Angel writes:

1. What do you do when you’re not doing porn?

When I’m not doing it, I’m watching it! Bonafide interwebz addict, and super nerd. I love curling up and forcing someone to cuddle me and watch Star Wars/Lord of the Rings (all in one sitting of course). I’m pretty craftsy; I like to get my hands dirty, and I know my way around the kitchen!

2. How did it feel having sex on camera? Was it a lot different than sex at home! How so?

It was a little awkward at first, but after a minute or two, I just used it as an opportunity to be a camera whore. Call me a ham!

3. Did you learn any new tricks you plan to use on a special someone at home? If so – what!?

Not exactly new tricks, but definitely got in some extra practice.

4. Tell us what you are doing today (or what you did today, if it’s nighttime).

Pranced around my room in my panties and kitty ears blasting Pendulum, preparing for a margarita party tonight, Olé!

5. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island and could only bring 5 things with you – and those were the only 5 things you could use for the rest of your life – what would you bring and why?

1) Platforms: If I’m going to be stranded anywhere, at least I’ll do it looking like a Spice Girl
2) Little Mermaid tent: For stylish protection from the elements
3) Vibrator: perhaps if I go crazy enough, it will actually become a magic wand
4) Easy Bake Oven: I don’t need clean drinking water when I can make donuts with a light bulb
5) Giga Pet: nothing more rewarding than artificial unconditional lovin’


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