BombshellBrats: Gothy Kyle Kross


Never was much of goth girl myself but I do like it dark and a bit vampy and Kyle Kross has just the right amount of goth for my taste! This set is her 2nd one and this time, we got invited in to her room. Kyle brought her fluffy pussy, the animal kind – Kyles personal pink is not remotely fluffy, she graces us with the appearance of it later in the set and its pretty pink! I like the laid back and personal aura around this set, it suits my inner stalker well to be invited into Kyles bed. The ink on her is amazing, I gotta see the piece on her belly when its done! Its a bit of a shame that the set loses light in her face in some of the shots, Kyle Kross is a hot girl and I don’t want to miss a minute in her room..

Bombshell Brats writes:

Kyle Kross
Age: 25
Physical Attributes: Do i really need to tell you???
Location: none of your business!
Favorite Things: Painting, Tattoos, Music, Friends, and my wonderful fans.
About Me: I love to paint, listen to music, and spend time with my real friends.

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