Payback Baby: Bloody Sexy Sarah Bizarra


The history of blood, gore, and horror themes in AltPorn is a mixed bag, mostly hinging on how the credit card companies feel on any given day. We’ve heard from all the major AltPorn sites about how they are censored by their billers and told to remove vampire babes or certain sets with guns or needles or other dangerous props, themes, or concepts. And even though some sites do occasionally get away with it, it really is the banks and the credit card processors people keeping the genre “safe” and in the realm of cute candy teens. It’s the reason why sites like Payback Baby and Bella Vendetta have to use off brand off shore companies for their membership management, putting them at a strong disadvantage when it comes to developing the standard promotional methods used by more mainstream sites. Apparently American banks are too squeamish for angry dangerous women. This really does have a chilling effect on the AltPorn genre, stifling the creativity in exploring some of the fun fantasy story-lines we all enjoy so much in our non-porn media. We like True Blood and Dexter and Scream Queens and sexy vampire babes, but these are all very tightly controlled.

Payback Baby is embracing the hit they took and is joyfully going down a path less traveled. Because of the billing choices they made, they have more freedom to run with creepy creative sets like this messy blood bath featuring Miss Sarah Bizarra and APN member Blood And Needles. Miss Sarah Bizarra eviscerates her victim and obviously really enjoys playing in his messy guts. She looks so hot covered in blood and it really suits her psychobilly style well. This is messy splatter-punk goodness and it is so refreshing to see. Punk rockers do love horror and we’re glad to see Payback Baby having such sexy fun with it.

What do you think about horror and gore in AltPorn? Let us know.

Payback Baby writes:

Miss Sarah Bizarra says: Who doesn’t enjoy bloody cunt, guts and boobs? I surely enjoyed Blood And Needles’ guts!

Blood And Needles says: I looove gore, blood and guts! I got the offer to get eaten by none other than Miss Sarah Bizarra and I went for it! Imagine trying to play dead with a naked lady crawling all over you. I bet you guys out there envy that 😉

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