Burning Angel: Hot Tori Lee Debut


Alt photographer Kelly Lind has shot another very hot series for Burning Angel, this time capturing sexy tattoo pin-up style Tori Lee for her debut series. She has a great playful energy and I love her mischievous grin, especially when she’s exploring her beautiful wet pussy with those creatively manicured fingers for the camera. This is both hot and attractive. I wish I could have seen a little more detail of her mazing looking back piece, so I’m looking forward to more sets with her on Burning Angel, but other than that, this is a very satisfying series of an adorable new girl. Joanna says Tori likes getting roughed up, choked and being manhandled, so looking forward to seeing what that looks like soon too!

Burning Angel: Hot Tori Lee Debut
Burning Angel writes:

Meet our newest Burning Angel, Tori Lee! She might look delicate and gentile and sweet, but…don’t let her looks deceive you! She likes getting roughed up, choked and being manhandled…and that’s why I wanted her to be a BurningAngel (well, that and the obvious: she’s fuckin’ HOT!). So give her a kind welcome and a big cyber spankin’ that says, “Hi Tori Lee…you’re awesome and we love you!”
girl: ToriLee photographer: Kelly Lind
pics: 71 type: Hardcore

Burning Angel: Hot Tori Lee Debut

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