San Fransisco Bay Guardian: AltPorn


APN is proud that our man Cutter Smith was recently interviewed and subsequently quoted in an article in the San Fransisco Bay Guardian, titled Hipsters and the emergence of altporn, which was written by Juliette Tang. It’s an interesting article that brings up a number of issues and gets perspective from several people involved in the genre and we recommend you take a moment and check it out. It’s an entertaining and hopefully informative read. If you have any thoughts, we’d love to know, either here or there. Here is a little excerpt, from Cutter’s portion:

San Fransisco Bay Guardian writes:

Most people involved in altporn view their work as fundamentally different than mainstream pornography. Cutter, of, explains, “AltPorn makes the trends and porn-porn tends to follow them. Traditional porn is conservative in a weird insular way. It tends to copy outside things.” Cutter doesn’t think that altporn appropriates or copies from existing subcultures. He and others view altporn as being organic, DIY, independent, and fundamentally authentic…

Smith (Cutter) elaborates, “All the originators in this genre were driven to create sexual media that appealed to their own community and their own communities’ aesthetics. So, the goths created goth erotica and the punks created punk erotica and the ravers created raver erotica. So, on an aesthetic level, altporn offers an alternative look, as well as the community interactivity, to prove it’s authenticity.”

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