Deviant Nation: Xavery – Internet Pr0n


It’s another cute set from Deviant Nation. This one voyeuristically finds sexy Xavery enjoying some of her favorite internet pron. It’s a moody shadowy setting as we watch her roll around and undress, showing off her impressive and extensive tattoo work and tight well proportioned body. Xavery is just knock out hot too. I know that sometimes creative alternative photography and good styling can make even a midlin girl look pretty special, but it really is a treat to get to see a girl this attractive from time to time. The modern almost ironic symmetry displayed while she rubs herself with one hand and the laptop touch pad with the other should not be overlooked, even if the series does get a little self referentially product placement oriented at points.

Deviant Nation: Xavery - Internet Pr0n

Deviant Nation writes:

Xavery shows just how much she loves looking at her favorite site.
Photographer: Ironwill

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