People have been saying pubic hair is going to make a comeback, but it really does seem to be pretty rare these days. It almost feels naughty getting such a sumptuous look at it these days. I remember getting that same thrill a long time ago when I’d see a girl that was fully shaved or waxed bare, but now it seems almost out of place to see fur down there, at least on a girl that takes as good care of it as Darla seems to. This looks like a really sensual Deviant Nation set and I love the mood of it. It’s comfortable but not sleepy, intimate, bot not so bathed in shadows that you can’t see what’s going on. I do think a darker lipstick might have been the right call for my taste, but I’m not complaining at all.
To start off the Halloween season, DarlaDarkling shows us her bedroom and a few of her trinkets.
Photographer: Heretic