RazorDolls: January: Apple of My Eye


You can always count on JACKtheZIPPER for something odd, and this new JtZ RazorDolls set doesn’t disappoint in that area. Although it does come across a bit more like a somewhat random assortment of production stills, rather than a cohesive shoot, the various shots of submissive January enduring heavy leather bondage gags, hot wet latex, big fat ‘realistic’ dildo insertions, and even a large tart Granny Smith in her mouth all make for a pretty hot scene.

RazorDolls: January
RazorDolls writes:

Lets give a hot n horny razordolls welcome to our latest girl, January. This set comes to us from our good friend JACKtheZIPPER and it is definiately a HOT one! Watch this lovely brunette stick everything she can think of in her mouth, can you think of something else for her?? I know I can! Make sure to show her some love, and maybe she’ll give you some back 😉

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