FedorasBox: Fedora and Elora Heat Things Up by the Fire


What’s hotter in this Fedora’s Box image set? The girls, Fedora and Elora, or the fire? It has to be the girls. This steamy lesbian pair are getting ready to fuck by the fireplace, but first they have to get each other in the mood. The girls tease each other’s clothes off, then find themselves frolicking in front of the fire. Careful you don’t burn yourself rolling around ladies! You can tell Fedora is hungry for Elora as she pounces, and tries to pull off her panties. The saying is true.. girl’s just really want to have fun. Especially this pair. I liked all 19 shots in this image set, although a few more would be nice. Close your eyes and you can just hear the sounds of the fire, and see the hot licking action surely taking place after the camera was put away.

FedorasBox Fedora and Elora Heat Things Up by the Fire
Fedora writes:

Two lesbian lovers taunt and tease one another out of their clothes next to a romantic fireplace scene.

FedorasBox Fedora and Elora Heat Things Up by the Fire

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