LunaLamb Explains TV Show, Then Touches Herself


When you watch LunaLamb you have to be ready to stop at any second because you’re gonna be laughing for quite a large part of her show. Like for example tonight, when this silver-haired goddess started touching herself and then immediately went into a speech about a character on Stranger Things, after which she didn’t even skip a beat before going “I’m gonna touch myself now.” Damn near spit out my drink from the laughter.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, LunaLamb has awesome comedic timing that’s bound to get you holding your stomach, and she’s damn-near unbelievably sexy as well, so you’ll be holding something else too. Make sure to stock up on tokens and go to LunaLamb‘s cam, this absolute pure image of sex is waiting for you in her snuggie.

LunaLamb Explains TV Show, Then Touches Herself
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

LunaLamb Explains TV Show, Then Touches Herself
LunaLamb Explains TV Show, Then Touches Herself
LunaLamb Explains TV Show, Then Touches Herself

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