Blue Blood: Vampire Con Portraits


A while back, I wrote a post about how Blue Blood‘s Amelia G was speaking on a panel at Vampire Con and then she and Blue Blood’s Forrest Black were setting up a location studio at the closing party. The pictures they shot that night are now up in a free Vampire Con portrait gallery, along with a write-up of the event written by Amelia G. I laughed out loud at the humorous part of the article where she talks about meeting Dennis Hof from HBO’s Cathouse show there. I watch Cathouse from time to time and it is about the goings-on at a swanky legal brothel called The Bunny Ranch in Nevada. It seems Dennis Hof brought a Transylvanian escort to Vampire Con and she was one of the many people photographed in the Blue Blood event studio that night.
Blue Blood: Vampire Con Portraits

Blue Blood: Vampire Con Portraits

Blue Blood: Vampire Con Portraits

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