Sweating it out with HyruleFairy


My girl HyruleFairy is on cam tonight and, omg, she’s on fire. Her shows are one of a kind as she always comes up with new ways to entertain us. Okay I admit she has a perfect body in my eyes – curvy and fit – but the real reason I tune in is because I find her hilarious and totally relatable. HyruleFairy is a dork, and she’s not ashamed of it.. and no matter how rigid and stuck up you are, you will find a place for her in your heart.
Today she’s touching on a topic very close to my heart: exercising! <3 She’s been sweating through pushups, crunches, hula hooping, and 100 squats, I believe? The squats especially were shot at a very…hm, suggestive angle so yeah thank you very much for that 🙂 No wonder she has such a killer body, huh? On top of ALL that she's also running around silly with her hyperactive doggy. Seriously – can my Wednesday get any cuter?

Also, a small heads up: HyruleFairy is holding quite an interesting date raffle. If you enter (and win) you can score yourself an expenses-paid date with her. She’ll buy you dinner and take you to bloody Disneyland! Damn… pick me, pick me!

Sexy Cam Girl writes:

18+ ~ Cyber Geisha of 6 years! Some weird Fairy living inside your computer

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