BurningAngel: Jayded is Red Hot


Sexy glam-punk Burning Angel Jayded starts our day off blazing hot. I love her over the top style, even if her tan looks a little out of place. She’s sort of glam death-rock really, but no matter how you classify it, she sure is sexy. I don’t know what any of this has to do with Passover though.

BurningAngel: Jayded is Red Hot

BurningAngel writes:

For Passover, I put Jayded in front of a wall filled with little Jewish chotchkies and paraphernalia, and I think she got so turned on by all of the historical pieces and Jewishness that she took off all her clothes. All we were missing was a bottle of manischevitz for her to pour all over herself…that would’ve truly been a holy experience.

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