EroticBPM: Hot Body Raver Wii Fit Action


Has anyone ever gotten fit with a Wii fit, or is it just to lure hardbodied young girls over to your place so you can watch them hula challenge? I’m been thinking of getting set up with one, but only for the reason stated above. I’d have to clean up my living room though. I doubt bachelor dorm chic encourages fitness. This thing should come with a pole.

Eroticbpm Candace Wii Fit Hot Body Sexy

SpookyBlog writes:

Sometimes you just get two awesome things which go awesome together. So you get awesome Wii Fit played naked by EroticBPM‘s awesome Candace and it is just doubly awesome or awesome squared or some other appropriately techy kind of super awesome. Candace has a pretty hot toned body too, so maybe she should be a Wii Fit fitness consultant or spokesmodel or something.

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