BrokenDollz: Electro Punky Fedora


It’s been a while since we checked in with our friends over at BrokenDollz, but it looks like they have been keeping themselves busy in the meantime. I immediately noticed their hot new update calendar, which makes navigating to all their updates much much easier. I’m really liking the new feature a lot. It clearly shows the three to five updates they do each week, with nice thumbs of the hot girls. I’d like it if the girls name linked to her actual profile page, instead of just that specific set, but it really does help give a sense of what’s new and a good way to get to it.

This fun electro-punkish series of the always entertaining Fedora just posted and it points out one of the aspects of BrokenDollz that we really enjoy. They content is hot and has a very real quality to it. Some of the bigger brand Alt-sites have some very slick content, but these always strike us as more genuinely homey DIY altporn. It’s a bit less self conscious, which means that there will occasionally be some shots that are kind of cringe worthy, but that’s really ok because there is also a sense of intimacy and creative freedom. This is Fedora‘s 13th set for BD and she’s clearly not taking herself too seriously. It’s fun and I like the nod to clubby cyber/steampunk, with the idustrial goggles and bright gemstone colors.

BrokenDollz: Electro Punky Fedora

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