RazorCandi: Clean and Candid


How can a girl make getting clean, make me feel so dirty? Its easy when that girl is Razor Candi. After a long day working, she just wants to relax with a warm shower. Luckily, she’s invited us along for the soapy, glistening ride. Ok, unnecessary admission; I have a shower fetish. Now, where were we. Wearing nothing but a plain t-shirt and minimal makeup, you get the feeling that you are staring through the window into Razor Candi’s world as gives us this almost candid, almost behind-the-scenes voyeuristic look at a microcosm aspect of her life. Many of you will get off on that aspect of this set… I know I did. Razor Candi has done one of these “sexy candid moments between shoots” once before, and it is a nice departure from Razor Candi’s typical sets. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of them in the future, as long as I also get plenty of what we all came here to really see: the sexy hardcore punk-rawk girl we all know and love.

RazorCandi: Clean and Candid

RazorCandi Clean and Candid

Razor Candi writes:

My mini shower set which I shot during my vacation in Vama Veche. I thought my members would enjoy this set since it shows more of a candid and simple side of me. I also shot a video which I hope you all will Enjoy!

RazorCandi: Clean and Candid

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