QuantCast AltPorn A-List Rankings December 2007


With school being so busy this time of year, all of us have been pretty preoccupied over here with family and holidays, I’ve slipped a little on providing the December QuantCast results from our AltPorn A-List Traffic and Site Popularity Study, but without further ado here it is.

Although SuicideGirls traffic continues a downward trend, they have risen one spot in the rankings to regain second place, behind BlueBlood‘s GothicSluts, edging out BlueBlood’s punky BarelyEvil. NaughtyFlipside managed to pick up a few spots, even though they have not updated in what seems like forever. We, AltPorn.net, have fallen a couple spots, probably due to more sporadic updates around the holidays and finals. DarkPlay seems to have gotten an interesting boost, while DeviantNation and NoFauxxx seem to be trending down this month.

AltPorn Quantcast Ranking

* Rank: Works like Alexa, lower is better.
** EMV: Estimated Monthly Visitors

0 thoughts on “QuantCast AltPorn A-List Rankings December 2007

  1. AltPorn

    The offer still stands. You are welcomed to suggest other trusted third party public measures of traffic and site popularity. We currently use Alexa, Compete, and Quantcast. Your stats look good in Alexa given the limited promotion we’ve seen, but Compete and Quantcast have you on the low end of the field. We just report the numbers as they are and I doubt Quantcast has a plot against your site to rank you low. The measurements are relative and anything that would under report your stats seems just as likely to under report everyone else’s.

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