BraisleeAdams Shows Off Her Many Tails


I have not seen this many tails on a single fox in, well, ever. I think I’m counting four, but at this point more could be hiding in the bunch. Either way, BraisleeAdams is amping up on the foxiness for the show today.

The ears were the first giveaway but I do quite appreciate seeing the plug that just seems to vibe into the whole thing perfectly. I also am very much appreciating the whole photoshoot she’s doing with the fit because she gets to show off all her curves at all the angles and it’s peak perfect.

What a foxy performance from BraisleeAdams!

BraisleeAdams Shows Off Her Many Tails

BraisleeAdams Shows Off Her Many Tails

BraisleeAdams Shows Off Her Many Tails

BraisleeAdams Shows Off Her Many Tails

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