BurningAngel: Draven and her hearse!


Trick or treat! One wonders what wicked plot is afoot when such an adorably sexy young spooky girl with fishnet draped legs that seem to go on for miles lures you into the back of such a grim ride. Well, no matter what the plan is, it can’t be innocent fun. I think there is a razor in that piece of candy, but you’ll have to get in the back to see her big black wings. This morbid BurningAngel update comes just in time for the Halloween festivities and we’re very happy with the treats they have given us this year! Draven is yummy enough to rot our teeth out.

BurningAngel: Draven and her hearse
BurningAngel writes:

Everyone say hello to Draven! She’s into dead people and masturbating in hearses. Just kidding. Ok, at least half kidding. She does have a little thing for hearses and Harry Potter, so we’ve made her part of our special Burning Angel Halloween sets! So get your candy corn and enjoy!

Joanna Angel

Photos By Matt Terhune

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