Cartwheels Are Better When Naked, As Alt_Aussie Presents


Alt_Aussie is on vacation. What better time to go on one considering down under is probably even hotter than most days? It’s also why she’s going out and about in her accommodation while very naked. It must be rather hot out there.

What she’s also up for doing is some working out by the looks of it. Cartwheels specifically, which she can do with relative ease. I for one welcome this gorgeous display of physicality as she gets herself going – over and over again. I must say her doing this naked is rather distracting.

What other workouts does Alt_Aussie have planned? They may just include some props – like toys. Maybe. Potentially.

Cartwheels Are Better When Naked, As Alt_Aussie Presents

Cartwheels Are Better When Naked, As Alt_Aussie Presents

Cartwheels Are Better When Naked, As Alt_Aussie Presents

Cartwheels Are Better When Naked, As Alt_Aussie Presents

Alt_Aussie writes:

Username: Alt_Aussie
Gender: Female
Body Type: Little in the middle
Eyes: Brown
Country: Australia
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Favorite Food: all the pasta I can get
Pets: Koa the greatest pooch on the planet!

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