Little Red Riding Lilykush


It seems to me that Little Red Riding LilyKush has managed to escape the clutches of beasts in the night and has found herself in safety. Whether that’s grandma’s house or her own is unclear, but she is undressing from the heat of the chase.

What a lovely set of ears she seems to have popped up as well. I do wonder just how itching for a release she is, seeing the tension in the room and all.

LilyKush‘s Little Red is looking to Ride all over wood. What an endeavour, now that the wolf is gone.

Little Red Riding Lilykush

Little Red Riding Lilykush

Little Red Riding Lilykush

Little Red Riding Lilykush

LilyKush writes:

Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Weight: 120 pounds
Height: 65 inches
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Occupation/Major: Caregiver
Favorite Food: Pizza all the way lol
Pets: 7 furry alien
Automobile: Shitty… need new one lol

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