Jinkies, It’s LorettaRose


Velma is one of my favorite characters of all time, so seeing LorettaRose get into the outfit and even do a split-hair with the orange and black is giving me such happy, spoopy vibes that I just love the whole ordeal.

What I didn’t know about her is that she’s actually been really into knitting as of late, an activity that I simply can’t get behind on account of me having zero patience to deal with, well, anything. But I do like the blanket she’s managed to craft, really neat thing to do in general.

The spoopy month brings out the absolute best time out of everyone, and LorettaRose‘s Velma is just gorgeous!

Jinkies, It’s LorettaRose

Jinkies, It’s LorettaRose

Jinkies, It’s LorettaRose

Jinkies, It’s LorettaRose

LorettaRose writes:

Cam Girl // NSFW 18+

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