There are no big changes discovered for the October Alexa installment of our AltPorn A-List Traffic and Popularity Study. The Alexa rankings are holding pretty steady with only a couple sites swapping places in ranking. No big jumps or falls to report this month. We still have not figured out the mystery explaining why Deviant Nation‘s Alexa rank is near the top of the chart while their certified Quantcast still remains near the bottom of the chart. There is some reemerging debate here about how qualified Naughty Flipside really is, given that their content, although still frequently hot, kind of misses the mark when it comes to authentic AltPorn. It seems a little more Alt as Halloween costume, but then again a lot of the adult video industry ‘AltPorn’ comes across that was to some of us. The jury is still out on that one.
AltPorn Traffic StudyFeatures
Altporn A-List Alexa: October 1 2007
By BeekerOct 01, 2007, 15:57 pm0
TAGA-List alexa alt altporn barelyevil BellaVendetta blueblood brokendollz burningangel crazybabe darkplay deviant-nation deviantnation eroticBPM fatalbeauty godsgirls gothicsluts inkygirls NaughtyFlipside nofauxxx popularity porn punkpinups quantcast ranking razordolls rubberdollies study suicidegirls Supercult traffic
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