ElouisePlease Gets A Spanking From Grogu And Gengar


ElouisePlease’s Lush is getting a good workout today as it buzzes beneath her gorgeous panties and I’m loving those high heels she is trying on as I take a look at her show.

The tips are pouring in today which eventually leads to a cleared topless goal and leveling up in the ranks. The best way to celebrate is with some spanks and thankfully she has a lot of them lined up after the latest tips. First, it’s the luxurious padded paddle that goes smacking against her booty. Next, it’s time to give the wooden one a try as her cheeks turn more and more red.

Those paddles are great, but someone in her audience has a great idea: using some of her cute toys in the background as spanking tools. This means that Grogu from Star Wars and Gengar from Pokemon both get to smack their soft hands against ElouisePlease’s booty. She says they might need therapy after that, but I don’t think they have ever looked happier!

ElouisePlease Gets A Spanking From Grogu And Gengar

ElouisePlease Gets A Spanking From Grogu And Gengar

ElouisePlease Gets A Spanking From Grogu And Gengar

ElouisePlease Gets A Spanking From Grogu And Gengar

ElouisePlease Gets A Spanking From Grogu And Gengar

ElouisePlease Gets A Spanking From Grogu And Gengar

ElouisePlease Gets A Spanking From Grogu And Gengar

ElouisePlease writes:

Boob size = 30gg
Left handed
I love cooking and I’m a huge foodie
I have a peacock tattooed on my back
I have two dogs – a pug and a chihuhua
I live In Yorkshire, England
My favourite colour is purple
Top 3 films: Jurassic Park, Matrix, Pulp Fiction
I collect lingerie and bottles of bourbon whiskey
I love swimming and mountain biking
Perfect date = sushi and drinks
Currently playing Zelda on my nintendo switch
My favourite part about camming is talking to people and having fun
I love travelling and my favourite place I’ve been to so far is Japan
Every time I travel somewhere new, I try to find a local cookery class
I stream on MFC every day Monday – Saturday
I’m very friendly, feel free to ask me questions and get to know me

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