Nerdpr0n: dot matrix fun!


Nerds do seem to be excited about the weirdest stuff, but it’s always nice to see cute girls having fun together. That looks like papercut hell to me, but licking the wounds might just be totally worth it. And yeah Anna, your friend Britt does look pretty hawt. We’d love to see more of her too.

Nerdpr0n: dot matrix fun

Nerdpr0n writes:

Dot matrix printers? Remember them? Remember the paper with the holes you tore off the sides? No? Hopefully this cute and retro set will jog your memory. Here is a hawt set with my hawt friend Britt…what better use for dot matrix paper than to romp around in piles of it with a pretty girl? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Hope you enjoy this set as much as I enjoyed getting it on with her…*evil grin*

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