The World Is BirthdaySin’s Toaster


I have a confession to make: I’ve never actually seen a single episode of Rugrats. But I can still recognize Chuckie from a mile away, especially if it’s BirthdaySin that’s transforming into the little runt.

Now what I gathered from the famed Charles Crandall Norbert “Chuckie” Finster, Jr. is that he’s a little troublemaker that has a weird fear of slides. But jnasghjag is adding a whole other bit of personality into her body painting and I’m always mesmerized when I see her doing it because it takes way too much effort, energy and talent to even paint on a shirt but she’s doing it with ease and a tease.

BirthdaySin knows how to nail many things right, but body painting and cosplaying is at the top of her list, and watching her do just that is on top of mine!

The World Is BirthdaySin’s Toaster

The World Is BirthdaySin’s Toaster

The World Is BirthdaySin’s Toaster

The World Is BirthdaySin’s Toaster

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