Senrii Interrupts The Cosplay Workshop For A Booba


Senrii really knows the most variations for the word ‘boob’ out of anyone that I have ever heard. There’s bob, bobbs, booba, boobe, bobs and whatever else in between. The cutie is back in their cosplay workshop, where they are getting the bits and pieces ready for the next cosplay – while also in a cosplay of one of their favorite ever characters – Yelan.

Aside from video gaming and doing some really cool cosplays and designing, Senrii also has a huge love for manga and one that they are currently really loving is Berserk, and they are trying to wrap their brain around some of the decisions from the characters – which is a really neat conversation to hear.

Between the boobs, manga and cosplay, I don’t know what I love to see more from Senrii!

Senrii Interrupts The Cosplay Workshop For A Booba

Senrii Interrupts The Cosplay Workshop For A Booba

Senrii Interrupts The Cosplay Workshop For A Booba

Senrii writes:

It’s a pleasure meeting you. Call me Sen. Here are somethings to know about me~ I’m enby, and enjoy many hobbies including cosplay and gunpla. In my free time I play roleplay and tabletop games. Catch me on twitter or discord if you care to follow any projects.

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