I feel the temperature rising all around me and that’s a nice way to know that Vanessa_Vega has arrived online in a red bikini to heat up the entire day.
That bikini looks fantastic, but I don’t get to stare at it for too long as she is on a mission. That mission is to do a squirt show and that means her panties and bra both get to fly off to reveal some goodies. Her tools for the squirt show are ready. They include her own two hands and a pink Lush. The perfect team for the job!
I know the team is perfect, because Vanessa_Vega is soon squirting all over her chair. This all makes for one very splashy start and I can’t wait to see what comes next.
Username: Vanessa_Vega
Gender: Female
Body Type: Athletic
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 115 pounds
Height: 61 inches
Age: 23
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Occasional
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Model
Favorite Food: Colombian