The Lovely ZiaFox Has A Whole Lot Of Packages To Open Up


I would like to take this opportunity to wish ZiaFox a very late happy birthday! It happened quite a while ago, but she has kept all the packages people have sent in and today is the time to open them all as she calls this her UN-Birthday.

Some of the first boxes contain all kinds of sweets and chocolate. None of them as sweet as her own smile! I especially love how she gives her booty a spanking sometimes when reaching for a nw box to open up. Some of them even contain presents for her doggos. Like a chew toy shaped like a cactus that immediately turns out to be a big hit with her pets.

ZiaFox still has a whole lot more boxes to open up and I can’t wait to see what each of them contains as the show gets closer to some naughty goals at the same time.

The Lovely ZiaFox Has A Whole Bunch Of Packages To Open Up

The Lovely ZiaFox Has A Whole Bunch Of Packages To Open Up

The Lovely ZiaFox Has A Whole Bunch Of Packages To Open Up

The Lovely ZiaFox Has A Whole Bunch Of Packages To Open Up

The Lovely ZiaFox Has A Whole Bunch Of Packages To Open Up

ZiaFox writes:

Hi I’m Zia! I’m a 24 year old butthead who loves to be nakey and have fun online! I wear my heart on my sleeve and care deeply for my friends and my chatroom. I’m always happy to meet new people so please don’t be afraid to say hi: we’re a friendly goofy bunch! You will probably catch us deep in silly shenanigans!

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