BladeBunny Shows Off A Less Than Impressed Finley


BladeBunny is having a quiet night, not for any other reason but the fact that she has a new neighbor that moved in and she’s trying to be a wee bit more respectful. Of course, her two kitties have not gotten that memo because by the looks of them roaming and squeaking around the place, they’re ready for some partying.
While Rodeo is taking a backseat and coming over for a clawing or two, Finley wants pets. But not too many. It’s evident by his facial expressions of pure ‘help me’ that he just needed a few of them, but is now going to indulge in a whole wad of cuddles. Still, BladeBunny and him look positively adorable in every frame though!
With titties on the loose and bongs to be hit, BladeBunny‘s night is turning out to be quite the treat!

BladeBunny Shows Off A Less Than Impressed Finley

BladeBunny Shows Off A Less Than Impressed Finley

BladeBunny Shows Off A Less Than Impressed Finley

BladeBunny Shows Off A Less Than Impressed Finley

BladeBunny Shows Off A Less Than Impressed Finley

BladeBunny writes:

Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Weight: 130 Pounds
Height: 5’8″
Age: 19

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