TheSharkQueen Clamps Up For Something Cool And Sexy


„Something cool“ – that’s the current goal in TheSharkQueen’s room and I’m right on time to see some playful tips arrive in to take care of it.

Those tips have her clamping up both titties as a chain and some bulbs unite them. That „something cool„ turns out to be a Hitachi torture session and everything looks ready for a very playful time. The timer is ticking down, but tips make it go back up time and time again as the cutie tries her best not to give in and last as long as possible.

TheSharkQueen may not be setting a new record, but that Hitachi is still getting lots and lots of use as I see the timer going back up to 10 minutes. All of that and there’s another very cool and sexy sounding goal ready!

TheSharkQueen Clamps Up For Something Cool And Sexy

TheSharkQueen Clamps Up For Something Cool And Sexy

TheSharkQueen Clamps Up For Something Cool And Sexy

TheSharkQueen Clamps Up For Something Cool And Sexy

TheSharkQueen writes:

Username: TheSharkQueen
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 68 inches
Age: 25
City: SoCal
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Herb
Drink: Occasional
Marital Status: Single
Favorite Food: sushi
Pets: I have 2 cats & a german shepherd

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