PersonalTotem Juggles, Swings And Dances Around At Her New Place


It looks to be a beautiful day outside as PersonalTotem dances around at a new place and shows off some of her many talents. They include swinging around some flower shaped ornaments as well as dancing with poi balls!

The way she handles her tools is amazing to see. She says she can even light those balls up if she needs, but of course it’s too light outside right now. They swing round and round all around her body and I love the cool pair of shades she puts on when it becomes time to play around with her ornaments.

PersonalTotem is giving some relationship advice to people in her room as she mentions she is happy to help anyone that asks for it. All of that and her naked goal is ticking down, too!

PersonalTotem Juggles, Swings And Dances Around At Her New Place

PersonalTotem Juggles, Swings And Dances Around At Her New Place

PersonalTotem Juggles, Swings And Dances Around At Her New Place

PersonalTotem writes:

Five Things I Can’t Live Without: fire. travel. music.nature.friends
Favorite Songs: ethnic music, Electronic, Retro Electro And Synthwave music, Classic , post-rock, punk, metal, old shool rock, alternative, grunge, psychedelic, shoegaze, post-metal, psy trance, dub, reggae, post-hardcore, Stoner-rock, Blues-rock, Psychedelic rock, doom, stonner doom,Tribal / Asian Bass
Talents: One look is worth a thousand words.

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