BurningAngel: Dykes on Bikes (they called it that, not us)


Sugar Skulls rock, and that top Apathy has on is totally cute. I once sent an old girl/fuck-friend a postcard showing a really nerdy guy from like the 50’s, being walked in on while he was in his room in his tighty-whities, sniffing his extensive collection of stolen women’s bicyle seats. It was sort of an ‘I mess you’ but I’m not so sure she thought it was as funny. Actually, I think her boyfriend was the one that really didn’t think it was funny. Anyway, you’d enjoy seeing these two girls getting it on. Maybe BurningAngel writes will auction off the bike seats later.

BurningAngel writes:

Apathy and Daphne couldn’t resist grabbing these red bicycles, but riding in circles in a little room gets boring quickly. Pretty soon they couldn’t resist ditching the bikes and grabbing each other. Smart ladies…THAT never gets boring! Enjoy this set…it’s double trouble.

Joanna Angel

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