RazorDolls: TEX in the Honeymooners Suite


There really isn’t anything better than an awesome expensive well appointed high end hotel suite bathroom! Well, nothing more awesome than one with a super yummy looking partner or two in it anyway. This RazorDolls set looks sexy and fun, even though we’re not so sure about the sport socks in the shower. Personally, I HATE getting my socks wet when accidently stepping on a wet floor after some inconsiderate person got out of the tub and didn’t aly a towel down or something. But, I suspect that in this case, I might be willing to forgive a cutie like Tex. I might still worry about that jizzy looking mess on the tiles though.

RazorDolls writes:

Soooooo Many mirrors!! Usually thats a bad thing when youre trying to take pictures, but it was a treat seeing TEXs hot ass reflected in 1000 different angles! Come show youre love to the lastest addition to the Razordolls Family, TEX!

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