Perfect Isn’t Easy By Arwen_Datnoid


Arwen_Datnoid has got work to do. Pass her that mic and crank up the sound. Perfect isn’t but it’s… Arwen_Datnoid. Bette Middler eat your heart out!

When one knows the world is watching, one does what must, which includes singing an excellent Disney song with the most beautiful voice I’ve heard. She says Broadway was her calling in life but I feel like being a Disney princess would suit her better since she’s got the voice for it. Except it’s a little more R-rated considering she only has panties on when this is happening. I’m so glad I joined in because aside from all her other creative talents, she’s apparently a singer as well.

Pretty is nice, but still, it’s just pretty. Arwen_Datnoid on the hand is simply perfect!

Perfect Isn’t Easy By Arwen_Datnoid

Perfect Isn’t Easy By Arwen_Datnoid

Perfect Isn’t Easy By Arwen_Datnoid

Perfect Isn’t Easy By Arwen_Datnoid

Arwen_Datnoid writes:

Hello, welcome to my profile~

So, I am a huge pet person, I currently have 3 hairless cats, a pig, a tortoise, a gecko, a snake, 3 quail and 34 tarantulas! Yes, 34, that wasn’t a typo, I love my fur babies!

I play a heck ton of games so.. It’s hard to answer questions like “how many games have you played” or “What’s your favorite game?” I honestly have no clue, I just love games!

More of my hobbies include cooking, gardening, cooking, eating food and cooking for other people. I have been called a kitchen witch and I stand by that.

Feel free to come chill in my room 🙂 We are the best kind of okay.

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