Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? Natalia_Rae Guesses In Drawful


Natalia_Rae is feeling like adding some video games to her usual naughty games for tonight’s show. She’s wearing her favorite red piece which coincidentally is my favorite piece on her as well, and while waiting for people to get their Jackbox codes, decides to do a little twerk session to kick up the party.

Tazzy is also busy, more so with screaming at herself in the mirror and wanting some pets, but she is a vital part of the stream tonight. Once Drawful kicks in, the abomination of drawings start loading up – and half of them are either furry fans or furries themselves by the amount of fluffy characters they have drawn up.

Either way, it’s a pretty funny show in Natalia_Rae‘s room – with some extra kink on the side!

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? Natalia_Rae Guesses In Drawful

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? Natalia_Rae Guesses In Drawful

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? Natalia_Rae Guesses In Drawful

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? Natalia_Rae Guesses In Drawful

Natalia_Rae writes:

W E L C O M E F R I E N D S !

Youll often hear me refer to my room as a safe space & I genuinely mean it. I know it can be intimidating to chat sometimes, especially when there’s a lot going on in the room, but PLEASE dont ever be afraid to chime in! I can assure you, I want to hear what you have to say!

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