Sexy Dance Party with Wish and Nails


Now this is some sexy stuff! Members of EroticBPM were making some noise about wanting to see Nails with another hot raver party girlfriend, and they got their Wish! (heh, get it?) Sorry, with a name like that, I just couldn’t resist. Much like I couldn’t resist staring at these pictures. The trails are a pretty cool effect. I wonder if they turned the lights on for the iPod commercials if the girls would be naked. I might like their product if they were. But for now, it’s all about EroticBPM.

SpookyBlog writes:

I think I could watch EroticBPM‘s hottie naked young girls like Wish and Nails play with glowing toys and rave accessories all weekend long. Damn, now that’s just hot fun! These two look really great together too. Sometimes it’s really amazing to lose yourself in the intricate rhythms of electronic dance music, surrounded by the chaotic spinning and trailing glow of various toys and fun accessories, intoxicated by visions and smells and energies of crazy hot excited young party people like these two. You owe it to yourself to check out this site.

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