Nellabella_ Lotions Up Her Gorgeous Titties


Nellabella_‘s red hair is like a fiery beacon that lights a flame in my heart and guides me to her room every time she comes online. Right now is no exception and the babe looks ready for some naughty fun!

Her tits plop out like two amazing looking surprises, but she has one more surprise in store for everyone – a bottle of lotion! It gets put to good use as she squirts the lotion all over her tits and starts playing around with them, while massaging them at the same time.

Nellabella_‘s tits are positively shining right now! It’s hard to take my eyes off of them any day of the week, but they look especially tasty when lotioned up like this and I can’t wait to see what she will do with them next!

Nellabella_ Lotions Up Her Gorgeous Titties

Nellabella_ Lotions Up Her Gorgeous Titties

Nellabella_ writes:

Pleased to have you here. A fresh newbie with a passion for reading, and a never satisfied curiosity.

I aways thought that if something doesn’t bring you income, inspiration or orgasms, it doesn’t belong in your life!

So here I am, enjoying all of the above!

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