Animation Appreciation With Arwen_Datnoid


I love a good animated movie, but it can be tough to find the time to sit down and watch them. Thankfully, Arwen_Datnoid is here to guide her viewers through some fun animations and they all happen to be bite sized shorts, ready to be consumed by my eyes!

It’s time for a Garden Party! No, not an actual one, but that’s the name of the animated short the beauty is watching right now. It was nominated for an Oscar and it’s easy to see why after just a few minutes – the animation in it is stunning!

Just as stunning as Arwen_Datnoid herself! I have to admit I’m glancing over to her more often than I am at the animations actually, but my eyes are naturally drawn to beauty and it’s just not possible to look away from her as she sits in her sexy black top.

Animation Appreciation With Arwen_Datnoid

Animation Appreciation With Arwen_Datnoid

Animation Appreciation With Arwen_Datnoid

Arwen_Datnoid writes:

So, I am a huge pet person, I currently have 3 hairless cats, a pig, a tortoise, a gecko, a snake, 3 quail and 15 tarantulas! Yes, 15, that wasn’t a typo, I love my fur babies!

I play a heck ton of games so.. It’s hard to answer questions like “how many games have you played” or “What’s your favorite game?” I honestly have no clue, I just love games!

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