BurningAngel: Krysta Kaos Laughing Fit


Krysta Kaos looks hella hot in this cheeky Burning Angel set. Her out fit is spot on cuteness, love the boots. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her knuckle tattoos, ‘Bang Bang’ is one of the coolest knuckle tattoos I’ve seen, totally rocks. She’s a super hot girl, her look is so sweet her hair complements her bright and colorful tattoos and her figure is soooo cute and perfect. She’s got great poses and looks uber confident and happy in front of the camera. Great set!

Burning Angel writes:

We were trying to take some naked pictures of Krysta – but she just could not stop laughing! I’m not sure why…perhaps Kelly Lind was wearing a funny hat that day. Well, it all worked out just fine, because Krysta looks so damn adorable when she laughs.

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