Gods Girls: Amber Gets Wet


This is my first GodsGirls review, this is also Amber‘s 1st set for GodsGirls! And I’m happy to do Amber cus Amber is seriously cute and I like my girls (Oh, how I love my girls) like Amber: sweet, cute as fuck and naughty! Amber seems like a down-to-earth kinda gal with a naughty streak. I love her curves and those big Bambi eyes! Amber‘s 1st set is self-shot, looks like a tropid set to me, Amber‘s got lots of kinky poses up her skirt and even though the shift between hot and cold lighting in the set bugs me a bit, I’m very much wanting more of Amber. I wonder if she shot nudes before?! Some sort of presentation of the set/Amber would have been nice.

Gods Girls Amber Gets Wet
GodsGirls writes:

Name Amber
Age 79
Occupation Tease.
Location Des Moines
Hometown Minneapoils
Sign Leo
About Me I’m a fun, obnoxious and random girl who is in love with life.
Why Im a GodsGirl To lurk and be lurked upon!
Superhero Power The ability to force people to tell the truth.
Sexual fantasy Duct tape
Weapon of Choice Hunting knife and cupcakes
Hobbies Reading, writing, texting and knitting
Music Anything from hardcore to r&b
Movies Scary please.
Books Too many to name, but anything by Augusten Burroughs for sure TV DEXTER Art I absolutely adore Zdzislaw Beksinski.
Food Veggies, pineapples and PBR
Education I’m a super genius.
Status Single
Orientation Bi
Ethnicity About as white as they come.
Birthday aug 09
Who I Idolize Joan Jett
Goals To be a corrections officer. . .
Bedtime attire Wifebeater
Nerdy Secret Pleasure Haha, skyping
My Favorite GodsGirls Wren, Stiletto, Swindle. . .ugh too many to name.
Unicorn or Pegasus? Unicorn!
if Patrick Duffy was shooting lazers at you how would you defend yourself? By offering up some delicious cupcakes?

Gods Girls Amber Gets Wet

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