GothicSluts: Gothic Babe Scar gets Dressed?


Scar is an old favorite of mine, she has this tiny, pale body and I love her bright make up! In this set from Blue Blood‘s GothicSluts, she starts out naked and gets dressed, a bit too fast for my taste though. She ends up wearing a beautiful, gothy evening gown and these super hot high stilettos. I love how Scar is having fun, laughing and all in some of the shots, that is 1 sure way to turn me on! Isn’t that what alt porn is about? Having fun and not being afraid of breaking boundaries? Those paper backdrops are hard to make hot but Scar, you do know how to!

Blue Blood writes:

Yolanda made the gown for this shoot Forrest Black and I did with Scar. Initially, we were just going to shoot some fashion shots of the dress, but Scar loves loves loves being naked, so we just had to shoot her getting dressed. With a body like that, it just makes sense that Scar loves nakedness as much as she does.
–Amelia G

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