Gather up some courage as today is the day that a certain darling dungeon master needs her best warriors, elfs, mages, and giants to help her slay something much more fearsome than any lowly dragon.
No, instead of taking on a scaled foe, this gorgeous gatherer of kink needs the help of her friends to slay her insatiable thirst for some anal fun.
So, as this kinky mage arms herself with a wand that will cast a knky spell across the land, this journey is almost ready to begin.
Though, before setting out on this path, this D&D darling is going to try out a few of her spells on her ass, just to be sure they work.
So, to join this journey to the land of kink, head on over to PieAllTheTime‘s room!
From PieAllTheTime‘s profile:
Consistently Kinky Camming and Cosplaying ClipMaker