ElouisePlease Rides Her Way Into The Beginning Of The Week


As this Monday is working its way into the week, bringing with it the beginning of the work week, a certain busty beauty is putting in some work to welcome the week with a wild ride that is going to end in some curled toes and dropped jaws.

So, as this perky pleaser and teaser took to warming herself up for a kinky ride to the frisky part of town, she made sure to warm herself up with a bit of teasing with her toes.

And once warmed up, this lovely lass from across the pond jumped into the saddle to ride her way into a cum show that left more than a few legs shaking in excitement.

To see what else this gorgeous gal has planned for the week, head on over to ElouisePlease‘s room!ElouisePlease Rides Her Way Into The Beginning Of The Week ElouisePlease Rides Her Way Into The Beginning Of The Week ElouisePlease Rides Her Way Into The Beginning Of The WeekFrom ElouisePlease‘s profile:

Meaning of Life:
Live Life to the fullest & be happy.

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