KorpseKitten Laps Up Some Hump Day Cream


As this evening is getting underway, a certain cat eared cutie is doing her best to make sure that tonight is going to have a creamy delight to finish off before the night is over.

Though without any cream in the kitchen to enjoy, this gorgeous gal is instead opting to whip up a bit of her own along with the help of a couple vibes and the love pouring in from all of her friends.

And by the looks of the vibe that is giving this cutie kitten a good time, there will be enough cream for everyone to enjoy tonight.

To enjoy some, hurry up, grab a bowl, and head on over to KorpseKitten‘s little corner of the multiverse before the night ends!KorpseKitten Laps Up Some Hump Day Cream KorpseKitten Laps Up Some Hump Day Cream KorpseKitten Laps Up Some Hump Day CreamFrom KorpseKitten‘s profile:

I’m a weird 20 year old cam girl who likes to pet cats and dabble in photography.

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