Paint A Happy, Little Tree With KorpseKitten


Tonight, this gorgeous gal is giving off some serious Bob Ross vibes as she takes to giving her friends a little showcase of some of her artistic prowess, though, with much more beauty and a lot less fro.

In addition to showing off her artistic side, this lovely lass also took to showing off her gorgeous figure as she peeled away layer after layer of her clothing to reveal the slight sight hiding beneath.

So, as this blue haired beauty is busy giving some trees some happy, little friends, it might be the perfect time to bust out a smock and head on over to her little corner of the interwebs. So, to catch this masterpiece making art, head on over to KorpseKitten‘s page right now! Paint A Happy, Little Tree With KorpseKitten Paint A Happy, Little Tree With KorpseKitten Paint A Happy, Little Tree With KorpseKittenFrom KorpseKitten‘s profile:

I’m a weird 20 year old cam girl who likes to pet cats and dabble in photography.

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