Burning Angel: Sexy Badgirl Felix


Burning Angel just posted a hot series of one of their newest badgirls Felix stripping down and showing off her sexy body in some sort of cabin game room. They first introduced her in ridiculous schlocky ‘Goth’ makeup in an truthfully bad witch scene for their Halloween porn “The Shaft” but this is much much better. Burning Angel doesn’t need to dress up their girls in lame costumes, but we’ll excuse it since it was Halloween. In this series she looks more like a more dangerous version of the sort of girl Dave Naz would shoot for Skater Girl Fever. You have to love a really hot girl with fuck and shit tattooed to her thighs, just below her Born to Lose tummy ink. You know you are in for an adventure with this one. Felix looks absolutely fuckable as she spreads herself out on the pool table of your hidden getaway cabin.

Burning Angel writes:

Our new BurningAngel girl, Felix, was introduced to you all through her crazy Halloween video, “The Shaft”. I was worried you were all starting to think that she was an actual psychopath, who actually went on dates with corpses and killed people. So I figured I should show you THE REAL Felix: chillin in shorts and a t-shirt, hanging out on her pool table, naked…without a bunch of black eyeliner and dark lipstick on. So now please, give Felix your warmest welcome…and please, don’t be scared of her! She really is a sweet girl.
girl: Felix photographer: Kelly Lind
pics: 65 type: Hardcore

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