Senrii Cheekily Shows Her Holiday Spirit


As the world is getting into the festivities of today, a certain gorgeous gal in glasses has decided to show her love for the day and the while inviting a bit of a cheeky pinch from those that haven’t had the chance to take a closer look.

So, as some might be throwing back some green beer, this bespectacled beauty knows that sometimes the best green isn’t found in a mug but sometimes is on the inside, in this case hidden beneath a tee that is begging to be thrown to the floor.

And since the day isn’t quite over yet, there is still time to head over to Senrii‘s little corner of the interwebs to join in on the cheeky fun. While there, don’t forget to show this lovely lass some love.
Senrii Cheekily Shows Her Holiday Spirit Senrii Cheekily Shows Her Holiday Spirit Senrii Cheekily Shows Her Holiday Spirit Senrii Cheekily Shows Her Holiday Spirit Senrii Cheekily Shows Her Holiday SpiritSenrii writes:

“In my free time I cosplay, enjoy playing Jrpgs and usually am working on some type of artwork.”

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