GeekGirlsOnline: Kinky Nurse Cosplay


It’s getting to be that time of year again, when all the hot girls dig out their sexy Lincoln costumes and leave their underwear home. KinkyArtGirl joins the party in the latest GeekGirlsOnline update, showing off her naughty nurse outfit, complete with sexy stethoscope. I’ve never had a strong nurse fetish but when KinkyArtGirl shows off her contortionist skills I’m starting to feel some aches and pains that might need some expert attention.

Athena Hollow also just launched her hot new redesign for GeekGirlsOnline with all sorts of fancy new features and a pretty slick design. Be sure to stop by and check it out.

GeekGirlsOnline writes:

This week, we welcome back the ever nerdy KinkyArtGirl. We feel you will all hear the iconic Animaniacs soundbite while staring at the images in this set!

In other news, we are currently rebuilding GeekGirlsOnline to be sleeker, flashier and a bit more intuitive. We’re adding in the ever requested “Search” feature, while being sure to add in information into model’s profiles so you can search for cosplay sets, videos, etc. With this, we will also be changing the galleries themselves. Soon, they will be fully flash galleries. Some of you may grunt and moan about this, but they are really lightweight photo galleries, AND for 99% of the photo sets, you will still be able to download the zip files and view them on your own time.

Another big thing we are adding is recurring subscriptions finally! This is great for those of you who tell me you just keep forgetting to subscribe AND it will save you a little money each month, as we will be restructuring the pricing once the new site goes live. The new set up will also help with those of you who use a foreign currency: No longer will you have to wait for us to validate the account, it will do it automatically.

Finally, once the switch is ready to go, we will be integrating the forum into the site itself. We feel this will help with getting forum activity up and with continuity. The update blog will still stay as it is as well as the GeekZine. (By The Way, I will be updating the zine sometime this weekend, so if you have any last minute articles, get them to me asap!)

Without further adieu, here are some samples from this week’s update!

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