Sashabutterfly Is A Split Tongue Siren


The always gorgeous Sashabutterfly invited the world back into her little lair as she sang her siren song, capturing all that were fortunate enough to listen in an inescapable trance of tempting tattoos and captivating glances.

Beyond being drop dead gorgeous, this split tongue siren has the unmistakable ability to cast stares that pull in anyone caught in her gaze. Though, unlike another snakelike legend of lore, the glares of this serpentine beauty queen won’t turn people to stone, well at least not every part of them.
Instead, that penetrating gaze melts hearts and renders all who lock eyes with her unable to look away. Though, given how easy on the eyes Sashabutterfly is that doesn’t seem altogether that bad at all.

So, slink over to this siren’s lair and give her a follow.Sashabutterfly Is A Split Tongue SirenSashabutterfly Is A Split Tongue SirenFrom Sashabutterfly‘s profile:

“I have a split tongue, you will like to see the way i suck my dildo with it. I will suck it for you.”

Sashabutterfly Is A Split Tongue SirenSashabutterfly Is A Split Tongue Siren

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